With this Utility you can download and save interlinked pages automatically. Starting from one or several initial pages the links are followed and stored in the cache archive.

Start of Utility

Please, start the mirroring with the symbol in the main menu. You get the configuration dialog: Mirror

You also can alternatively start the mirroring with the script MM3-Utility in the folder MM3-WebAssistantProfessional/script/.

MM3-Mirror Configuration

You can save a mirroring configuration in a Set. At first use the set default. With New you create a new set. Furthermore you can Rename or Delete a set with a pop-up menu.


Start Page

Starting from one or several initial pages the links are followed, pages are downloaded and stored in the cache archive. Enter the URL for every start page in a new line.

POST parameter

If you need the option Post, then you indicate a blank and then the parameters (key/value list) behind the URL.


There are restrictions at the link following of dynamic elements like Java Skript and Flash.


If you indicate several start pages, then these are downloaded at first (depth 1).
After this all links of the start pages are downloaded (depth 2) and so on.
Start pages can alternatively be downloaded also sequentially.

Surf Set

The parameters of the Surf Set are used with the exception of Marker and Prefetch.

An important parameter is the re-use time of files in the cache archive. Files aren't downloaded newly from the internet within their re-use time.


Please note that you need with higher depth a larger proportion of bandwidth and hard disk space. Often this is not foreseeable, how many HTML pages are actually tracked and downloaded. Depending on application you should limit the links to be followed regarding to the depth. You can in addition use a filter.

You can indicate the following abort conditional:

Link depth of following links
HTML pages
Maximum number of HTML pages to be downloaded.
Maximum size of the date volume to be downloaded.
Maximum time for the duration of link following in minutes.

Waiting time

Some servers break off downloading files automatically. The files are requested in much faster consequence as this is carried out at the surfing. You therefore insert a waiting time, at which you let best vary these between a minimal and maximum waiting time.


You can create a report on the followed links. You can select between a report with all links or only with the links at which a file was downloaded.


All links followed up are logged per default.

You are able to log the following URLs in addition:
Log withIn a HTML page …
Contained resourcesall contained resources
Not followed linksall not followed links

In the summary you can log links not followed in addition.


Pages and resource occurring repeatedly are logged only once.


For a password protected web site the user name and the password can be saved. Depending on web site the login is carried out by two different procedures.

Request by the HTTP header

If the login by the header of the HTTP protocol is carried out, then you can enter user name and password here.

Login Access data for a web site
YesLogin: Logging in for this URL with the access data.
NoBlock: Not logging in for this URL any more.
---Disable: Filter isn't use.

You can in addition indicate whether the password shall be saved at the call of a protected page.

Passwords can be protected with a master password. The master password has to be entered at every start of the Utility Mirror.

Start of the mirror

After you have filled out the required configuration or selected a set then you start the mirroring. In a dialog the mirroring is logged. A summary is displayed at the end of the mirroring or at the cancel. A report can be displayed in the browser.

Display of the reports

You reach the reports from the local sitemap (or direct by URL: You select the desired report from a list. A report contains the followed links of a mirroring.

You can adjust the display:

  • Number of followed links per report page.
  • Sorting sequence of the followed links.
  • Representation of the report page

You can surf in a report.


MM3 WebAssistant - Proxy Offline Browser